INDEA helps companies and organisations to develop their business. With a starting point in people’s own potential, they work with everything from competitive companies, monopolies in change to public organisations.

INDEA wanted to develop its digital presence to create more business opportunities through its website. Customers would also be given a chance to familiarise themselves with INDEA’s activities before meetings, seminars and events. We developed the idea, concept and design for the website and developed the website. In co-operation with photographer Dan Holmqvist, new images have been produced.

The project started by working out how the website should work and what it should convey. Together with INDEA, we clarified the concepts and came up with a number of improvement points. Among other things, we realised that the greatest strength lies in the characteristics and skills of the consultants. We would rather show pictures of people than charts and figures.

The previous website was difficult to navigate and lacked a clear focus. It was difficult to grasp the business idea on the front page without looking further down the hierarchy. Another problem was that the consultants themselves were not emphasised enough.

With a concrete offer on the front page, the visitor can quickly absorb INDEA’s message. The first impression of the website is open, serious and humanistic. The choice of fonts, colours and graphic elements underlines the humanistic tone.

The starting point for the images and portraits has been to find and emphasise the personal qualities of each consultant, a visual language with character and credibility.

The WordPress publishing tool allows the client to easily manage the content and make updates themselves. With the right structure for the right content, the site now provides more search hits on Google and through set metrics we can now measure the impact of the site.

Facebook page
INDEA’s identity also appears on Facebook. Via specially designed tabs (subpages), the visitor gets a preview of INDEA’s offer. Strategic guidelines have been developed on how to work on Facebook.